Urgent fee
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Delivery time = Tailoring time (7-11 days) + Time of free shipping way(9-15 days) or express shipping way(4-9 days).
Rush Order within 16 days,there is urgent fee.
Rush Order within 16 days,there is urgent fee.
If you want to return,please contact us within 3 days from the day you get the package.You can contact us at
Custom dresses are made specifically to the measurements you provide (bust, waist, hips, height, and hollow-to-floor). That means no one else will be able to wear that dress once it's made. Because of this, we are unable to accept any returns on custom dresses. Please double check your measurements and color choice before ordering.We can help you to choose size if you tell us your detailed measurements.
Exceptions/non-returnable items We do not accept any return if our product is used or damaged.
If your return is accepted, please tell us shipper name with tracking number within 7 days.Money will be returned when we get and check your package.As for the return shipping cost,you had to pay for it by yourself.Custom dresses are made specifically to the measurements you provide (bust, waist, hips, height, and hollow-to-floor). That means no one else will be able to wear that dress once it's made. Because of this, we are unable to accept any returns on custom dresses. Please double check your measurements and color choice before ordering.We can help you to choose size if you tell us your detailed measurements.
Exceptions/non-returnable items We do not accept any return if our product is used or damaged.